About me

While I won’t pull out any photos just yet, I am a happily married mother of two, and proud Nana of three. My husband is my biggest fan, and first critic, so if you subscribe to my newsletter, expect to hear about him on occasion.

And thanks to my great-grandmother, I am also an Algonquin of the Pikwakanagan First Nation.

I am 5′ 5″ tall, with green eyes, and to paraphrase Anne McCaffrey, everything else is subject to change without notice.

My cat, Jeffrey, likes to help me write by sitting in front of my monitor, or sleeping on whatever notebook I happen to be using. At the moment, he’s sitting on my desk staring at me, ensuring he is properly introduced. Now that I’ve done that, he’s gone to take a proper nap, which he put off in order to greet you.

It is a pleasure to have you here and I look forward to sharing my stories with you.